Unlocking Insights: Designing Powerful Mixed-Method Surveys to leverage AI
In the fast-moving world of market research today, AI is the secret sauce making mixed-method surveys downright thrilling! But good design is still key!
In this webinar Tovah Paglaro spills the beans on the key design lessons we’ve learned processing thousands of surveys with open-ended questions at scale.
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Survey design best practices to get the most out of your open-ended questions:
Design mastery: Learn the tricks to craft mixed-methodology surveys that not only collect data, but answer your burning questions.
Bias-be-gone: Get the lowdown on designing instruments to bust bias in mixed-method surveys.
Questions that work: Avoid the open-end pitfalls that yield hard-to-understand data!
AI awesomeness: Discover how AI flips the script on survey analysis, making decoding open-ended questions feel like magic.
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