Open-Ended Question Design:

How to get rich responses every time

Now that tools like Fathom make it possible to analyze open-ends with nuance, detail & accuracy, it’s more important than ever to design surveys that provide an excellent respondent experience and yield rich open-ended responses.

Join Fathom CEO, Michiah Prull for an hour of lessons learned and best practices, synthesized from processing more than 30M+ open-ended responses!

Don’t miss this opportunity to build critical skills that empower you to make the most of AI advancement in market researcher!

Agenda Highlights:

  • The Role of Open-Ends: Where they offer the most value, and how to leverage that with good design

  • Question Writing Best Practices: 3 principles for high respondent engagement and excellence responses

  • Designing for Analysis: Logic and conversational probe considerations to set up for insightful analysis

  • Real-World Use Cases: Plug and play templates for the most common use cases across millions of responses

The evolution of text analytics has changed what’s possible with surveys. But capturing this value requires refined open-ended question design, that consistently produces quality verbatim responses for analysis.

In this session, you’ll level up your open-ended design skills with:

  • ✅ The most impactful use cases for open-ends: Discover exactly when and why open-ended questions work. We’ll show you real examples from the field that exeplify the value of asking the right questions at the right time.

  • ➡️ 3 Rules to write open-ends that deliver :Get step-by-step, proven techniques—refined from our analysis of 30M+ questions—to create questions that consistently elicit detailed and useful responses.

  • Specific question wording for 3 most common use cases: Walk away with specific, plug-and-play wording for the three most common survey challenges, so you can start optimizing your surveys immediately.

  • ➡️ Considerations around survey logic and conversation probes: Optimize open-ended follow ups with smart branching and logic, and get more detail with well structured conversational probes.

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