How to Ask Open-Ended Questions that Answer “the Why” (hint: ask a “What”)
Getting to “the why” is the panacea in research - and open-ends are a treasure trove of value meant to deliver this. But if you're struggling to get detailed customer feedback or rich verbatim responses, the challenge may be in how you phrase your questions. Here’s how to fix that!

Top Moments & Candidate Perceptions from the 2024 Presidential Debate
500+ Americans were asked open-ended questions following the Presidential debate. The results paint a nuanced picture of key moments and candidate perceptions for different segments

AI in market research should help humans (not replace them!)
It’s clear that our industry is at a crossroads of two very different visions for the future – one in which AI systems conduct research from start to finish and largely replaces the researcher - and another in which AI is woven throughout the research process to assist the researcher at each step. Here’s why we at Fathom believe in the later.